"Providing is not an option, it's a commitment"

Created by rbowen169 12 years ago
I can think of nothing that better describes what Billy exemplified. It has been said that you should not do business with friends. That is a problem because from the very first time I spoke to him on the phone, I felt of him as a friend. I had never thought of that until just now. I imagine that was true for everyone who had the pleasure to meet him. A call to Billy left you comfortable and confident that he would have you covered by whatever means necessary. He always joked about diligently providing for my needs because I was too doggone big to fight. The simple truth is that Billy did the same before he ever met me or anyone else for that matter. It never really concerned him if helping me out also included steering me away from Provider. He took the time and found the solutions. I cannot count how often he was able to save my behind and find unconventional products for an issue I had, got me substitutes ASAP or any other obstacles I faced. Billy was the BIG GUY and Providing was NEVER an option! Keep on smiling and save me a couple of good jokes boss man.